Ordinary World: In the ordinary world Megamind terrorizes the city of Metro City, Metro Man comes and stops him, he goes to prison, escapes, terrorizes the city again. you get the picture, he never wins and he doesn't get the girl.
The Call: When Megamind has a scheme to kill the invincible Metro Man and it works, it actually works. He kills Metro Man and now he has everything he ever wanted.... or does he?
Refusal: Megamind creates a superhero that turned evil, when the beautiful Roxanne Ritchi wants him to go stop the menace he created, he refuses and says he's going home. he goes back to prison.
Mentor: Megamind and Roxanne Ritchi are looking for information about Metro Man because the new "hero" that was created has the same powers as Metro Man. turns out Metro Man faked his death to become Music Man. Metro Man encourages Megamind to become good and stop the villain that he created.
Threshold: He escapes from prison again, and goes to stop Tighten (Titan) even though he believes he is going to die.
Tests, Allies, Enemies: Megamind is the bad guy, always has been from the moment the inmates began to raise him he was a bad guy. his only friend is Minion, the fish that has been with him since birth, in the movie he leaves. "i'll just pack my thing and go." He has plenty of enemies, he's the bad guy, remember? everyone hates him. He goes through some intense boredom because there is no longer anyone capable of stopping him.
Approach: When Megamind decides that Tighten needs to be stopped.
Ordeal: Megamind loves Roxanne Ritchi but she doesn't like him back.
Reward: Megamind gets a kiss from Roxanne Ritchi
The Road Back: He repairs the city from all of the damage caused by his and tightens battle.
Resurrection: Minion dies, but not really.
Return with Elixir: Megamind gets a statue of himself.
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