
Give in.
just throw in the towel.
why keep fighting a losing battle? 

is it worth it?
 all the anxiety, 
all the pain and hell that you'll go through for it?

We all have dreams
right where they belong
in that little space where your sub-conscience ponders reality 

Want to be a painter?
use colors on the palate,
that have never even considered looking good together
make somebody cry just from your painting?

Ever dream of being a writer?
mixing words into a beautiful display of intelligence?
enticing readers to follow their dreams,
like you followed yours
ha please

You think you can change the world?
Do away with all of the orphans,
End world hunger,
create a clean renewable source of energy?
come one, please

You're no Da Vinci,
you're not Picasso, Charles Dickens or Martin Luther King Jr.
Who do you think you are?
Bill Gates, Earnest Hemingway, or Mother Theresa.




please don't surrender
please don't give up just because it might seem a little difficult
or impossible.
impossible is just a compound word,
i'm possible

please don't quit just because doubts whispered in the night
hooking you like a million fingers digging into your skin
and slowly Dragging you deeper into your own personal abyss

You may not  be a legend. 
Legends were once just like you.
a kid with a dream
Until one day they broke free into immortality.

WAKE UP and smell the bloody roses!

One day the drummer in your chest is gonna stop beating on your heart

The only Question is what are you going to do between now and then?

What are you gonna fight for?

If it's important to you,
you'll find a way.
If it's not,
you'll find an excuse

Are you going to give up on YOUR dreams?
Give up?
Wait until the air begins to leave your throat to start living?

or are you going to get up and listen to "we are young" by fun
then go and live a beautiful life?
'Cause tonight we are Young.
It's our chance to burn brighter than the sun.

What do i know?
But Me,
I will not Surrender

Just Zach

Just Zach

The audacity!
The nerve of some people!
Some people have some freaking stones!

Just Zach indeed.

The indignity of it all!

I loath flossing my teeth
My favorite color is green
Next time i eat a cherry it'll probably kill me
I can disappear for days in a good book

Just Zach

I like my full name even though it is way too long to use everyday
I love to cook
I love eating even more

I have always wanted to go on some HUGE adventure.
You know, with the bad guys and the good guys, 
Maybe even some guns and a jail cell.
Storybook stuff

Just Zach!!!

My name is Zachariah Joshua Hewett

I am not perfect.
I don't pretend to be.
I am me.
And i won't change for you.


I have a confession to make.
I wanted to be black...
(i'm white)
I tried to be something i'm not.

Like a high school girl caking on make-up
trying to look beautiful
even though she already is
she just doesn't know how to look in the mirror.

I didn't realize it
but it hurts to try to be someone else.
crushes my soul
like a grape.

let's make a deal.
I'll be me
if you'll be you

I thought perhaps i could pull off being black.
transform all this pasty whiteness into chocolate
like Marshall Mathers 
ya know, with the nicknames
slim shady
but unlike me Eminem is black

Stop looking at skin color, racist!

Look past that.

Look at the person.

Into their Face.

Into their eyes.

Into their heart.

Into their soul.

on that level we're all the same
we're equal


everybody has a dream

or at least they did.
some people's dreams are so far gone that they can't even find 'em.
like i can't find Waldo.

little kids have dreams.
Mommy i want to be an astronaut.

they taught us that we could be anything
now it's pay attention,
get rid of that distraction,
and one day you can become part of a corporation
who doesn't give a crap about your inspiration
they only want your perspiration

give in to the industry hype
become more machine-like
give up on our dreams right?

what gets us to give up?
is it that monster inside of us?
the one that whispers fear in my ear at night.
you can't do it.
what if you fail?
go get a safe job.
be a dentist

i hate dentist's
they smell diabolical
with all their whirring gizmo's and expensive pain inflicters

why can't i live my dreams?
when did it become popular to follow the public?
worry about all the industries i need to please and making money instead of making life worth living?

eff them.
we are all gonna die.
we're just tap dancing on land mine.

don't let your dreams be dreams
don't become another casualty of society.

Film Analysis

Ordinary World: In the ordinary world Megamind terrorizes the city of Metro City, Metro Man comes and stops him, he goes to prison, escapes, terrorizes the city again. you get the picture, he never wins and he doesn't get the girl.
The Call: When Megamind has a scheme to kill the invincible Metro Man and it works, it actually works. He kills Metro Man and now he has everything he ever wanted.... or does he?
Refusal: Megamind creates a superhero that turned evil, when the beautiful Roxanne Ritchi wants him to go stop the menace he created, he refuses and says he's going home. he goes back to prison.
Mentor: Megamind and Roxanne Ritchi are looking for information about Metro Man because the new "hero" that was created has the same powers as Metro Man. turns out Metro Man faked his death to become Music Man. Metro Man encourages Megamind to become good and stop the villain that he created.
Threshold: He escapes from prison again, and goes to stop Tighten (Titan) even though he believes he is going to die. 
Tests, Allies, Enemies: Megamind is the bad guy, always has been from the moment the inmates began to raise him he was a bad guy. his only friend is Minion, the fish that has been with him since birth, in the movie he leaves. "i'll just pack my thing and go." He has plenty of enemies, he's the bad guy, remember? everyone hates him. He goes through some intense boredom because there is no longer anyone capable of stopping him.
Approach: When Megamind decides that Tighten needs to be stopped. 
Ordeal: Megamind loves Roxanne Ritchi but she doesn't like him back.
Reward: Megamind gets a kiss from Roxanne Ritchi
The Road Back: He repairs the city from all of the damage caused by his and tightens battle.
Resurrection: Minion dies, but not really.
Return with Elixir: Megamind gets a statue of himself.

Ordinary World

My life is average. Wake up late, throw on what i wore yesterday. Go to school. eat. you know the routine. i've got it all, the sweet car, great house, awesome family, girlfriend, alright that last one was a lie, but really my life is pretty... ordinary.
I wake up in the morning wishing something has changed but it hasn't. my room is still a mess, my snowboard still sits in the corner next to my guitar. the guitar that sits in the case unplayed. however today seems different. today i'm sick of it all. today i swear i'm not doing anything. i don't go to school, i don't do my homework. i don't answer my phone. i play my guitar, each painfully sounding strum washes away the normality. i finally get to get in touch with my true power.

What would happen if i didn't pick up the guitar?
what would happen if i just continued on with life?
what if i was ok with the normal life?