Tonight is not the last time I'll see the light.
I see the light like i see you, and you see me.
But do we really see one another?
You see what i show you, i see what you show me.
What you don't see is the pain.
The pain that lurks beneath the surface.
The pain of knowing that no matter how much I love her...
The feeling isn't mutual
Do you see the pain of MY problems?
The BIG ones sure, you could understand
If only i told you
Definitely not the small ones,
The ones that matter only to me.
Do you see me?
Do you see what i love?
Do you see that I'm not doing what i love?
Do you see that i don't own myself?
Does anyone own themselves?
I keep forgetting to say,
I Love You
One of the million things i mean
Remains unspoken
When will we own ourselves completely?
When will we wake up one day and sing hallelujah?
When will we see that it's not a victory march,
It's not a cry that you hear at night,
That it's not somebody who's seen the light?
It's a cold and broken.
Don't leave the light on,
I'm looking for the light inside myself.
Do i see that light inside myself?
Do i see that i can do it?
I believe in other people.
I believe that they can live their dream.
I believe they can have the girl of their dreams.
their car, their house, their life.
Not me.
I Don't believe that I can paint,
I Don't believe I can sing.
As I compose this i don't believe i can write.
I don't believe in my own talent.
Do you see a meaning to happiness?
I could be Golden
I could BE somebody
I could have had my heart broken
I'm fragile
I could bow
I could let you break me
I could kneel at your feet.
I could live the life YOU want me to live
But i won't
Not this time
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